Privacy Policy

Information pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03, personal data protection code.

Purposes of the data processing

The purposes for processing data are directly related and instrumental to the provision of the requested service, they can also be used to send advertising materials, marketing activities and commercial information relating to products and services that DOG EVOLUTION 4.0 SRL displays and provides on the portal; detection of the degree of user satisfaction on the quality of the products and/or services rendered and on the work done by our Company, internal statistics, satisfaction feedback, preliminary acquisition of direct information for the conclusion of a contract or provision of a service, etc.);

Processing method

The data will mainly be processed with electronic and computer instruments and stored on computer and paper media, as well as on any other kind of media, in compliance with the minimum security measures pursuant to the Technical Regulations regarding the minimum security measures, Annex B of the Code concerning the processing of personal data.

Use of Cookies

Please refer to the related extended policy

Optional data acquisition

The acquisition of personal data is optional. However, failure, even in part, to enter the personal data required to complete the Contact Form or the Registration Form for Access to the Service may result in the inability to completely deliver the Service.

Subjects to whom data may be communicated

Personal data may be communicated to the staff of the company, responsible for carrying out the functions and in charge of the processing; staff has been properly trained on security and protection of personal data; It is in any case prohibited to communicate or disclose personal data to subjects not required for completing the services.

Rights of the affected party

Visitors to the site, as they are “affected” may exercise the rights guaranteed by Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196, or may at any time obtain confirmation as to whether or not such data exists and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request it be updated, corrected and integrated. According to the same article, users have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or block data processed in violation of the law, and oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, them being processed. Requests should be addressed to the data controller.

The data controller is:
DOG EVOLUTION 4.0 SRL – Via Caravaggio 47, 24047 Treviglio (BG)